Saturday, August 27, 2011


Ahhh Saturday! How nice you are to just relax in and do the things around the house I know that need doing. It has been a easy going, no pressure day!. I got to sleep late, then we went storage building looking (hotter than blue blazes!!), Came home and have done not much of anything other than laundry.  I am about to start an early dinner for just the two of us.  I have been on the internet doing some research, which I love to do. 
Enjoyed watching the End Zone on KCBD this morning. I got to watch my grandson, Jarek, who plays for the Shallowater Mustangs, score a touchdown. It was great to see it!  Hopefully, if plans go as I would hope, I will get to see him play a couple of times this fall.  Just have to see how things go. Also, Gabrielle made her debute as assistant drum major for the Hutto Hippo Band. Would like to have seen that also, but we didn't. Also Andrew was in his first high school band performanc, too. Big grandkids are busy with high school activities.
Little grandkids are not as busy, but Keaton started K this year and Kelbie will start Pre school in about another week.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

New Adventure

This blogging business is new for me even though I wrote in a journal for many years. It seems after the fire destroyed all my journals from years past I have had a difficult time even wanting to write anything. I have decided to give it a try in the tech method of choice: blogging!
I have started a new year with Giddings Special Services Coop. I will be the Diag. for GHS. I am so excited about my job and the people I work with at the coop office and the great high school staff and teachers! I have an awesome job and really love what I do.
It is a new adventure for our office this year because we have a different office building. GSSC is now housed in the "old" Giddings Elem. Nice building and it is great to be moved. We had way too many varmints in our old office: mice, squirrels, oppossum! Yes and they even entered our offices! Some left footprints while others (in my office) left a strong, nasty odor!
Well, tomorrow starts a new school year and I am excited even after working in education all these many years. (since 1970) I have a much better grasp of my purpose and direction, also I have grown so much in who I am and how I approach school situations. I love school, new school supplies, a chance for students to start over,  and most of all the opportunity to make a difference in someone's life.